Monday, April 25, 2011

Mustard batons - french fridays w/ dorie

Oh, what a nice, simple recipe to have for a party. Or anytime, I suppose. I made this Sunday morning since we had gotten back from vacation and it was too late for me to have this done by Friday. I used store bought pastry and, after reading a few of the other FFWD bloggers, may try homemade next time. Someone mentioned that they had something flavored with fig, and I thought that sounded like a nice filling, so I poached some chopped, dried figs, mashed to make a paste, then mixed with a little of the mustard. That was a nice flavor but I wasn't sure how rich it would be, so I made those smaller than the plain mustard. The frozen pastry took much longer than 40 minutes to thaw though.

Brought these to in-laws for Easter Sunday and they were a hit. So much so, that MIL asked if I could leave the leftovers!
mis en place (sp?)

Pastry spread with mustard


1 comment:

Cher Rockwell said...

It's always nice when people are fighting over the leftovers! Like the idea of a fig filling.