Friday, December 09, 2011

The Liebster Blog Award

Pamela from Feral Homemaking was sweet enough to nominate me for the Liebster Blog Award. Thank you, Pam! I met Pam at the farm stand I frequent and I always enjoy when I'm able to spend some time talking to her. Check out her site, she has a lot of good ideas and she's got a great sense of humor.

The Liebster Blog Award is a great way to get traffic to blogs you like but that aren't widely known.  The rules are simple:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you and link back to them.
  2. List your top five picks (who have less than 200 followers) and link to them, telling a bit about each one.  Leave a comment on their blogs to let them know you've nominated them.
  3. Copy and paste the award on your blog.
  4. Have faith that your followers will do the same to other bloggers.
  5. Have fun!
So for my top 5 blogs...
To be honest, most of the blogs I frequent are the usual biggies - allrecipes, epicurious, myrecipes,

The first one has to be EatingPlaces. Let's give a shout out to nepotism! Yes, this is my niece, Liz. She's an optimistic, energetic young woman who's inherited a love of good food - good in every sense of the word - for your mind, body, and the Earth. I love hearing about her experiences and learning about what's happening in the Boston foodie world.

Each week I have to check out my fellow French Fridays folks and I always take the time to find out what's happening in Cher's life on her blog, "The not so exciting adventures of a dabbler..." She's honest, humorous, and caring. She's also a top-rate writer.

Ok, another FF person - Adriana at lives in Puerto Rico, and I often learn some interesting tidbit from her.

A great local resource for what to do with local, New England, vegetables can be found at Stillman's Farm blog. They post recipes as well as other issue of importance. I actually found their link through another FF member, Betsy, who also lives fairly close to me. I find I can relate well to what she writes on her blog, "A Plateful of Happiness".  


Adriana said...

Thank you very much for the Liebster award! I really appreciate it and will soon be paying it forward. Have a great weekend!

Betsy said...

Laurie, Thanks so much for the award. It made my day. I enjoy Cher and Adriana's blogs myself, so I feel honored to be in their company. I haven't been able to blog recently, but as soon as I get back to it, I'll pass the award along. Thanks again!

Cher Rockwell said...

Thank you, Laurie. I definitely will need to pay this one forward :-)

Pamela said...

Oh, fantastic! More good sites to read!